good map dude its pretty good
this is really some dude i might download after i get more space on my xbox
Give this man recon lolz thats a good one. anyway this is really good but does not deserve recon even though i picked that option in the poll
i like this map its not bad needs improve meant
nice i really like it
thanx calvin i might post another of my aesthetic or casual maps soon
u aren't supposed to play on it dude its just aesthetic(which means just 2 look at
yes i saved them all the same way srry didnt mean two double post
this map isn't meant to play games on its aesthetic
i dont know how they got blurry, did them all on photo bucket but those 2 just showed up like that i i couldn't fix them
Lander Made by Pettifer7 Description hello, this is the first posted map so i am open to criticism i'm only 12 and most people say the 10,11,12...
i like this map it seems good i say 4/5