i decided to leave that there to see how long it would take for some to find it i will post your name on post
there is interlocking if u look in the middle and even on the side of the "Statue" and yes i will add more buildings in V2 and it sides of the map...
lolz in v2 im going to make a better one maybe a tower
the "hill" is for decoration it is supposed to be the tractor beam on the ship
thanxs madman
Statue Created by YOUR NAME HERE Supported Gametypes: Only supports capture the flag you can play any type of capture the flag on it thou...
thanx boydy
i like it alot but i dont think im going to download just because it really not my type of map i only like ship maps on avalanche
this is amazing i looks so fun for a king of the hill map which i dont normally like
nice map man i give 5/5 just because of the angle lolz
this looks really cool i give it a 4/5 because the first drop looks like it would be impossible to land unless u go like 2 km an hour
ok that is the one of the best race tracks iv ever seen 5/5 nice on the interlocking by the way
ummmmm its not bad just kidding i love it i give it 5/5 i hope to see more from you here
this is one of the best doors iv ever seen i give it a 5/5
its looks fairly good for a frigate on foundry but yeah the widow panels look a bit funky lolz 4.1/5
its not the best thing i have ever seen nor the worst so i give 4.5/5
omg people stop talking about the weapons it does not matter if its balenced because it is aesthetic and i added weapons for decoration
never seen this done before and it looks cleanly placed i give 4/5 good job
i like pandemonium its really cool looks like it would have really cool gameplay
got to go my old man is bugging me