Whats with the symmetrical asymetrical business? A map cant be both unless you have symmetrical weapon placements and asymmetrical map design....
A very good guide you have there but i do believe a sniper does not always needs to be spawned in an area with good lineof sight. I think it...
This looks like a very interesting map because it is in orbital. The addition of the needler and the brutesot into the map are wise desicions i...
this map looks beautiful and with the variety of power ups and 2 snipers means we could see some amazing games coming out of this. Can't wait to...
could we make that the plasma pistols blow up the fusion coils. You could decrease the damage done by humans so it tkaes multiple shots and...
maybe you should try and not put bases in at all. Putting bases in maps can make gameplay boring and camping all to common. Whati think you...
Looks very nice. I think you sjould keep the racetrack quite spread out to make it better fo battletracks and maybe add a jump or 2 to make it...
The map looks beautiful and i can see original designs throughout this map. The broken bridge looks brilliant and seems to be tricky to make and...
The map looks very pretty and it sucks that someone has threatened to stealyour map. Its also nce to see you haven't got single wide walkways but...
WOW DDO U HAVE ENOUGH SNIPERS? you nedd to decrease your amount of snipers to 1maybe 2. half the amount of battle rifles and add more of a...
Here is another two that has to be on the list. 1. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/featured-halo-maps/69449-back-burner.html This is backburner...
If this is a map that you have improved from another map you should have screenshots from the original for others to compare it against. You...
Want i want to see in MW2 is new gametypes where one team has to escort a vip off the map while the other team has to assassinate him. Another...
It might be seen as a power weapon for reach, that i think would be good. Bit like the brute shot.
Looks nice and a great design. Having the map circular looks like it will mak it god for oddball and hill. The only suggestion i have is add...
the only places where i can see that snadox is better than foundry is when your making a racetrack or ure basing your map on something like...
Could work but you will need to test it first. I will be willing to test if you need testers
WTF? What is this measnt to be about?
What you need to do is et close to the grid with your object being held and it will jump under the grid. You then pull it back towards you so it...
Imight join but as european there might be problems