are you sure you have lowered the run time minimum before you try to do it. If it is as high as it goes the objects respawn instantly making it...
you have some very long site lines in there espicially along the main wall. Also your starirs going up tp the base really need to be against...
I think part of the reason why guardian ball has gone because there arefar to many illegal plays on it. Also there needs to be more king of the...
I cant see the pictures. I don't know if i'm the only one with these problems but it says they have been deleted
1. the hollow 2. of the essence 3. the cellars 4. observatory 5. metropolis.
I really like the look of the map and it seems very unique caompared to a lot of maps being pumped out of Sandbox at the moment. I think you...
that is one pretty map u have built your self there. I could be picky amd say that maybe you should colour code your boxes but with the bridges...
what i'm saying is to just be careful that there isn't to many long sight lines. Too many will spoil your map
are you using to make forge things on your computer? because if you are download google sketch up. It gives yoy a full 3d view and people have...
you do no it does this on every map it is just most evident on the two objects. It's all because of the complexity of the forge engine so unless...
A very good start to the map and it looks very clean. One suggestion i have for your map though is to try to limit as muchas you can seeing from...
I remember this map a long time ago when it was only at its ketch up stage and looked around and was very impressed by it. I'm am willing to help...
Pit (i love the unique gameplay it gives of having no 'neutral' area) Valhalla (Good weapon layout on this map makes it a favorite.) Guardian (I...
I personnally wouldn't bother with a pitstop canvas as non of the map geometry has been changed. Once you have made the canvas for it it will be...
right what you need to do is go onto and sign up and link your gamertag to your account (i take it you already know this) next step is to...
Jesus christ guys! chill! i actually see this map being very hectic with 0 second respawns but i think you should ake it more rounded so there...
estimates have been made for 22nd October but i'm not sured. But based on the first partof the mythic map pack it will be out before christmas...
i'll be happy to delete my post if push comes to shove but the person before me will need to delete his first. I'll keep it up for the time being...
OK? If you need people to test your map there is a testers guild here at forge hub which are renowkn for in depth reviews on maps. In there...
Wow i would never of thought of making a map like this on blackout! I was thinking of making a **** zombies map but couldnt think of any good...