opps lol my bad i edited it theres a link to them all at the bottom of my first post :P its a link to my file share with them all there
here mine Dark Sniper [IMG] http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=61183324
hey everyone im back again with some new pics :) Enjoy Brothers [IMG] Fusion [IMG] Water Blue [IMG] BOOM head shot? [IMG] Dark Plasma...
hahaha wow great pic and perfect name 4.5/5
kinda easy... and boring... i dont see really the point in them but uh 2/5 for effort
thanks guys :) o ya alot of you said you really liked the bubble one here is another one i took tell me whatcha think [IMG]
thanks guys believe it or not it all started at this site... any idea for some names also...? i wonna put a good name instead of it like slayer...
thanks :)
iCrankBks's Gallery (worth the look i hear..) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] rate?
funny thing about this is.. the dude who made it up and **** posted ON BUNGIE forums how he did it.... look up his name on google and im sure...
i did i tried the regen like he said and i used like every map effect thing and i used em all one by one then 2 by 2 then 3 by 3 and i went into...
blah.. i tried all kinda different stuff... i cant get it to work..
is it on the floor or like placed on on a bridge and deleted like i dunno where..? if u got live im on ill add you x]
huntaro002 u should go be smart and answer my question :omg:
dude just try stuff... shoot rocks and crap like that with different stuff like a re gen and try adding different map effects too...
lay down ur weapons and use power up's and stuff like that... just try stuff...
anyone wonna explain how everyone does this..? [IMG]
its on Avalanche in the middle where the lifts are there is a part on the floor you'll notice you can do it there
uh thanks ya Chief wiggums didnt just say that at all....