ya your right... and i really didnt put any effort into it... lol oh well... i might make some when i get back
nope :) its one of the main bungie maps.. not DL map.. :)
the 3rd to last is a new effect... bet u cant guess what map its on.. ;)
ok well some of you might remember me and some might not.. but i have been busy and dont really play halo that much and thought i might mess...
wow ya thats totally true.. that sums up everything really... sorry for bitching at you..
thank you.. thats where i was trying to get at.. The two necessities of a good screenshot: 1) Framing/Composition 2) Substance 3) Effects
haha those are old... and if mine are SO BAD please id love to see you do ANY BETTER... give me sometihng 5/5 like almost ALL of mine do... here...
LOLOL do i even have to comment on what a nerd you sound like...? go buy a book and hack it or something.. lol make your life useful cause being a...
haha wow... look all im saying is look at the times bro... honestly... look at all the famous and good screen shots and compare them with "Natural...
lol why do i have the feeling your bitching cause you suck at taking screen shots... and the one's you do take you get like.. 2/5? dude there...
um pointless bitching...?
i dunno everyone says they love em.. but they all just look like easy screenies people take when they first start.. if you look... there all...
pm me ur map for the 2nd one
first person i can really say holy ****.. some of those are really... nice.. Blood Stained looks REALLY failure though i dunno why... add me on...
teehee :)
ya probably but some of us.. are better... o ya bro she never looked at it i dont think... :( o ya get on live tonight im getting a dazzle...
i dont like any of his... all already done.. meh... hands down he isnt the best and has a long way to go...
ya your right my bad it used to be a king cat :P lol but ya cuban is only good at lighting really.. =/ not alot of action.. but im working my way...
**** that looks just like mine... =l
cuban's new gt is major shock just a fyi..