Night Stalker Two has been remade i'll get around to posting it probibly next week but for now its in my file share ( i suggest you wait intill i...
it looks good i like the diffrent buildings 4/5
Oh yes, there will be a V2 i made this in one night 11:30 pm till 5:45 am i was just so proud of it i had to post it, v2 will be much beter im...
all double boxes and single boxes are suppose to represent rocks ans such so yea it was kinda intended
Yes another Socom 2 Remake Here is a picture of the map from socom2 [IMG] Most of its there Except for a couple of stairways (Halo people jump...
Props for this list i was looking for a good collection of gears maps and i found them here:squirrel_rocking: oh and kudos to all the map creators
Yea there interlocking its mostly in the Hostage building and the middle building also theres a blown up building between the hostage building and...
Looks Pritty good 4/5 And a dl BTW Welcome to forge hub!
Desert Glory V2 Your Traped in a Small Town in the Middle east Surrounded by Terrorist. The Navy Seals have contacted you and told you that in 7...
got my DL
i made a socom 2 map i posted at casual maps Socom II:squirrel_grouphug: Desert Glory DOWNLOAD <-<-
Looks good cant wait to see the v2 and game good luck forging :^D
its based off of dester glory from socom 2 so adding more random cover would take the socom feel away from it. i love this map im actually quite...
once you download it and play with a few people i have a feeling your going to like it more
This map comes with a game. The Map is a remake of Socom 2's Desert Glory (That i am quite proud of) The Game is Called Hostage Extract. (One...
Yea soon there will be a v2 Equiped with a game. im going to make an extract the hostages game were the hostages have no life and the terriorist...
slayer or td or 1v1 because it is a small map
Okay i made a map about the map Desert Glory from Socom2. Heres a picture for refrence [IMG] The thing about that is i decided in the end to just...
i have a lot of maps. i just dont have pics or the link from my file share. soon enough i'll be posting some more maps. if youve ever played socom...
i put weapons and such down low to make it a better snipers map. as for the ghost and turrets there just incase some crazy fool wants to give it a...