No problem, just glad to be finally giving something useful back to this community, considering I've been around since the wordpress version :P
Sure I could put in some descriptions, just post em' when you sign up here or PM it to me. As for the signing up and editing thing I'll look into...
All this phail is making my head spin. :squirrel_wtf:
Yep that's fine, just give me a moment to get your pages up.
I don't quite understand what you're saying. lol, There isn't one. All you have to do is post the maps and their link in a post here which I will...
I do what I can. *Note to self: no more bumping* :squirrel_nono:
To each their own. I'll get your section up ASAP, shouldn't take me long.
I think I would rather the Forge Hub post, so the viewer can see all the pictures and description if its not on the page. Also I think...
Forge Gallery So the other day I was Hubbin' the Forge when I found myself quite annoyed by the fact that there isn't one place where I can...
Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: apologized: now voting original or revised name) Praise Allah!! Death to the Infidels!!!!
:offtopic: Plus, this belongs in the maps section.
I can has monolith? [img]
Umm, please don't bump your thread, If you wanted to add that just edit into your first post. Anyways it looks fairly good, is it just 2 teams or...
Wait, is this the map formerly called DE4TH C4MP? I guess not, looks good, nice n' symmetrical. Only thing is the aforementioned power weapons.
Looks good and well thought out. I like the use of fusion coils in some areas, it really adds some tactical value, you could even place some in...
:offtopic: yay! I got to use the new shortcut. :offtopic :(without the space)
K well since nobody else is posting I will. Good post, pics are good, short and sweet description but to be honest I've seen this a billion times...
If this was real I would eat Kapura's head. Oh gawd I just realized how ga y that sounded, scratch that I would eat some cereal :squirrel_wtf:
date rape lol, welcome to teh forumz.
That sums up the entire argument of "Is Call of Duty 4 better than Halo 3 or vice-versa". Halo and CoD are 2 completely different styles of...