Nice job on the merging and interlocking, all I can say against it is it got annoying how you kept repeating Notice how... Good Job,...
Seems pretty cool, but I'm not sure if this has been done alot before, correct me if I'm wrong. Otherwise good job, non-heroic map pack maps are a...
Looks ok to me, I like the way you used the corner walls on your map.
Re: A Forged House "Fido's House" (fixed since ppl dont stfu) Nice house, but your title offends me. jk but I'm sure a mod will tell you to take...
Great Idea! I can't believe no one ever though of this before. But do you think you could maybe make the pics bigger? I can barely see any detail....
What's this? Billy Reloaded actually stopped procrastinating and updated the website? Yes it's true I finally got around to updating the...
Not to be offensive to only you, it's just that all these new members sign up and post their maps without being ready. The Forge Hub community is...
Re: Last Defense - Infection Map Amazing post, but as you aforementioned, no pics. First get your pics off your service record onto your...
It looks like a junkyard, but it doesn't really flow. Seems to me this maps scenery is patched like a balding man's hair.
I can has my map back? lol, I made one just like this on Valhalla check it out if you like, I never quite got to posting it with pics and such but...
One, chill the f@#% out. We here at Forge Hub are here to help and guide not demean and degrade(except to those who need it*cough* alexthegreat22...
omg, so....normal. It looks like a great start to me but I'm not seeing any scenery that would make things interesting. It's...
You know what grinds my gears? People who put quotes of what people said in their map description. I think the Forge Hub community is perfectly...
Are you a member of tutorial fx? I could have sworn I saw your sig on there.
Re: Complexity: Your Mind Will Reel! My mind is reeling at the barbarity of this post. :squirrel_wtf:
Hey you guys, sorry I haven't updated the site in a while, my mother is being a and so lately. ie I'm sitting there playin some CoD4...
EDIT: Please, no using quotes as the entirety of your post. It's called spam. If you simply feel the same way, either express it differently (you...
How is this even fair for the zombies?
Wow that is a great remake! If there was no name or description I would definitely recognize it as The Pillar of Autumn.