SOunds interesting, but coding is broken... I'll check it out when its fixed.
Very nice update! Looks great! You should make some colors for it eventually. I honestly do think that this is worth email-ing to Bungie. And you...
Ahhh! Thank you very much. Keep up the great work. :) EDIT: Could I request an 80 x 80 avatar? It would be kinda like the "Fear the pink mist"...
There is a thread right below this one with the exact same thing, but more detail= LOCK. But it is gonna be sweet.
Hmmmm? Like this?: ______ | 2 __| |____| ----- Telporter (to hold it down) | 1 __| |____| ^^^ Grav...
Well, that seems to work, but it is annoying that you have to click it and follow the link...
Well, I love mine. How do I add a rep? I want to give you as many as possible. LOl... I guess mine is kinda odd because I am not Saxophon3Hero any...
Well, thanks for the comments guys... I thought more people would check it out. Oh well.
I was reluctant at first, but it is actually a gigantic step forward. A few things need to be simplified/ added/ fixed, but it is getting there....
I have two questions, which one looks the coolest to you, and do you think nova will actually be used for anything? Imma go make a poll, in fact...
Yep, it could be used for great maps, but the amount of noob-ish maps will be unbearable. Oh well, ForgeHub won't get too many of those type of...
Yup... If you need it somewhere else just tell me and I can come add it to your map... [edit] Wait! Scratch that! I just realized I won't be...
Dang you!!!! Lol... I really wanted this to be real. Of course, if it was real, there would be very little memory/ free space since it is so tiny...
Looks ridiculous! THe only reason I think this is cool is because of the map itself. Otherwise, Tobyball isn't very origional...
Sounds like the dumpster doors, but horizontal... sounds pretty sweet. :D
There! Sorry guys... my fileshare was having problems for a minute... and, 1002nd post! Yeah, I am adding more gadgets, too...
Well, I didn't know where to put this, but it is a working elevator! And I know these have been made before, but this is my design. I am trying to...
I do... I have made an elevator thread, but lost it. It is somewhere... Okay, well, here's my idea. You could have the elevator set up like mine...
How does anyone have the patience/ lack of anything to do do even make that... they have quite a bit too much time on their hands... but that is...
Lol... that beat is so catchy. "This is madness! This is madness!"