I love it, but isn't the text a bit off? Like, too big/ not the same font?
I have one somewhere. I cheated a little, because I drew over another image, but I will try to dig through "My Pictures" and find it...
Yep... I have tons of fonts. One of my favorite ones, though, was made by me using 30 day trial software. It took time, but it was made using my...
It's nice, but you did this right after I made one... :( Lol, here's mine: [IMG] Did you steal my insignia shadow? Jk, I don't really care, but...
Images- Adobe Photoshop 6.0 3D Models- Google SketchUp
Lol... I am a bit busy, but will update when I can, I think... sorry.
Storage is a descent name... Ohhh.... bam! I got it! Archives. You liek? It is pretty shnazzy, to me. Sounds pretty cool. Or maybe, "The...
Lol... thanks. After a few comments, the portfolios seem to die out...
Gosh, I don't really think some of those are realistic, but some are fine, I guess. I am just absolutely sick of all this, "Halo 3 SHOULD have..."...
Nope, the avatars all got deleted... don't you want your post count back? Not that it really matters, but I like this name better. So you might as...
OKay, there are tons of these threads lately, but mine is for a specific type of sig. It is like the one I have now. Basically, it shows a...
I like the more serious stuff... and isn't Blood Gulch Cronichles over? Unless we get Coag in Halo 3, it would stink, and getting Coag or Blood...
Thanks guys, and lol opo... I am still updating, so keep checking back (it will be late tonight or tommorow because I am pretty busy right now...)
Well, I decided to post one, but it isn't quite done. I made some buttons, but I have other stuff that I will update soon. But here: Buttons [IMG]...
Sooo old, but still sweet. And pron, is that you? You modder you! Lol...
Hopefully, the only killzone is the Glacier wall and the ocean... that would be sweet. And somewhere far out in the ocean, too. So, with floating...
Woot! And thanks for all the great comments guys! I am working on a way to make it so you aren't stuck, but no promises... EDIT: Ummm... this...
OMG! THat is absolutley perfect! Thanks sooo much!
Cool... thanks. Ummm, do you have any brushes that you can link me to, it would be much apreciated. Like the brush packs you use... thanks.
Well, yes it would be okay, but people need to stop wishing that Forge would be different, it's not going to happen (although Bungie keeps...