First, ask someone in the shoutbox, or PM someone, don't ask here because it is not the place to do it, and is considered random spam. Secondly,...
It's a nice map, and you did a good job for your first map, but there really isn't anything out of the ordinary that makes it stand out, so I'm...
OMG, I was right! This is so unexpected... idk what to say, its not like i have a speech planned or something... *super ehem
AH HAH! that's what he said when he won the Iowa Caucus. Didn't think anyone would catch that did ya! WRONG, I did!.... I am so good...(super...
I played on this map and it was awesome. Really cool train and had great replayability. My only problem is that I can get out of it easily.
the map itself looks really cool, it is really well made and I think that the giant syringe is sweet. I'm downloading it. I think that you should...
Is it gobbles? EDIT: oh it was project
Wow, this got featured fast. I might actually download it this time, it looks really fun. Mallet, there is a roof, I thought the same thing, but I...
rykonos, I see what you did wrong. You forgot to put the dash in [/img] at the end of the image code.
Welcome to forge hub :) Your map looks nicely interlocked, and well put together. Since the map is U-shaped, I'm guessing that you put the spawn...
deadly ninja, dont double post, just put what you had to say into the same post with the edit button
wow, very nice. Simple, original, and looks like it could be great fun. If you do remake the map interlocked, then make sure you flip the boxes on...
looks very nice, and unbeakable unlike the original grifball map.your map makes it more close quarters, which will probably be more fun and chaotic.
the map looks really nice, a little more description would be nice though. Not that much, just a little bit explaining what's in each pic. Also,...
Meta, loco is new here and he was saying that emerging killer shouldn't have really high standards of him since he is new. Loco did follow all the...
When I first made the map I tried to add gravlifts, but the walls weren't heightened enough. I was also testing a gravity hammer gametype for the...
You had to have gotten your ideas for your stunt school maps from stuntman ignition. I love that game so I might try out your maps. I know this...
I love this map, it has so many different ways to try and capture the flag. Congratulations on getting it featured, this is by far one of the best...
Next time you make a map, make sure you use the unlimited budget glitch, so you have money left for weapons.
map is amazingly neat, and well put together. That great wall of text at the beginning should probably be shrunk down, otherwise it feels like you...