OOh, I wanna be a sub for Dom's team
The map looks very well interlocked, but doesn't look too fun. For each territory the defenders only get two spots in the little slits to shoot...
please dont laggy comp double post, btw I haven't been on bnet lately
awww, and you never finished the map I wanted to break :(
I dont think that was a bump, because his picture was probably still near the top of the page. I dont really like how the guy is cut off in the...
please dont double post, just edit the first post
i know you are new, but you need to embed pictures and the title of the thread should be the map's title only and not have 400+ DLs in it...
Puzzle looks decent, but I wouldn't have placed the spawns facing walls, even though it's a joke, people won't get it
but it should still be blocked off, because the shield doors are only ond box high, so the soccerball can be hit outside the field easily with...
I never saw your first map, but its good to see that you are taking criticism well, instead of just freaking out at the people
c ya l8er
i r haxor EDIT: I'm being hacked
is it just me, or are two of the pictures failing?
His pics are messed up from the vBulliten switch so he needs to take everything out of the brackets in front of where the pics should be except...
I know you posted this here because you want opinions on the subject, but it is so disturbing, I don't think you should have posted it. It is...
calm down, vinny, you are yelling at someone because he likes a different show, I'm going, but just because you're being a jerk. If you respond to...
you're calling Greek feminine, when you are talking in a thread about gossip girl and one tree hill, what a hippocrit. Dont call my shows gay.
dont be baton Greek, its way better than Gossip Girl, Greek is funny, gossip girl is just drama, Desperate Housewives is both and is super awesome.
I think skate is better, but I wish you could getting off your board on it like in tony hawk games