Project A, and I'll explain why A is perfectly symmetrical. There are clearly two obvious bases for the two teams at the bottom, and at the top...
High Ground ( it's really bad quality): I can't find a vid of the foundry one, but it is a ghost jump...
There's a good place to practice on High Ground, and the easiest one ever on foundry
no, it's not real, he had sketches drawn like a 4-year-old for white house security, he also wouldn't say any of that stuff to try and get elected.
Equipment jumps work best if you're host but can still work as not host just a tad different. Get a flare or radar jammer ( not a power drainer )...
I love ripstiks!
I like this guy better V I just like how he does popular songs, and can keep a noise constantly going...
Here are the 3 Gary UK "Jumping for Fun" videos. They are all really sweet trick jumps he's doing, and is sort of like free running halo style....
Try to throw in a couple things not sniper, because the quality makes it sort of hard to see the snipes
yeah, rapcat was way more entertaining. This just sounds like some one was messing around with farm sounds on garage band. I'd like it more if it...
I'm sorry to say matt, but I broke the map. I can post it here if you want me to, or I could PM you. NOw I feel bad, cuz I like your map...
That commercial was so mea, but hilarious
I disagree, they make it look a little bit neater than an active camo just lying on the ground.
The map looks very well interlocked, but I don't like that giant empty space in the middle, they are never good for the gameplay
Very good job, the map looks great, and very thorough and aesthetic. The only thing that might need some improvement is the spawns, from the pics...
woot! you mentioned me, I can't believe I didn't notice you released this until now. I assume the map plays as good as it looks, because it looks...
Yes, aesthetics would definitely be good, because in my opinion, the map doesn't look very much like D-Day at all. Map is decent BTW
oh wait, it was running chron that sent me the message saying I got an infraction, my bad :$
The picture is really messy, it's hard to tell what's going on other than there being an explosion.
I didn't think they could, just assumed since you sent me the message