random11714: I agree with the other few people who said you should make the map bigger. I have a couple of possibilites you could try in order...
this map looks great. the building layout is very unique, and it seems like a great map for FFA. Your perfect interlocking/merging makes the map...
Sequil! I am coming out with a sequil to this map, entitled Vampire City. It will be similar to Dracula's Castle in structure, but it'll be a...
It's an ingenious idea for the bomb to in the scarab like campaign. Your representation of the scarab is wonderfull too. I'm sure the one-bomb...
the map looks pretty cool. I remember seeing this while it was still in construction, and it looks even better than it did before. it seems like...
Very nice... this has got to be the best prison map i've seen so far. The door mechanism is cool and the watch tower and sewers are both great...
friemore the map looks pretty nice. you've got great posting skills, too lol. I love the humorous background and the entire weapon arsenal...
FrieMore- thanks for the review, and i'd be happy to play a few games with you. xbl gamertag is iRun SoFar Away (i didn't chose that name; i got...
great job shaddo, the map is great. Incase you didn't know, Cherry Kiss and Berry Bliss are on Bungie Favorites this week. All the pieces are...
heh, somebody should be an abstract artist... anyway pretty cool map. the cube in the center looks great, and i love how you made a duplicate of...
Organite- The safehouses are merely a way to get out of the open. They have a bit of ammo and are much easier to defend than trying to cover...
Thanks a bunch RC; i'll switch that up.
thanks for the great ratings guys. test out the map when you get a chance and post another message with a review. i'm open to any constructive...
CENTRAL INTELIGENCE AGENCY The Works of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence. Database Transylvania Articles Transcripts of Recordings...
(continued) Pictures: First take screenshots on halo3. When you've got a good amount, go on to bungie.net and find them. Save them all to your...
ok its not actually that difficult to physically post a map, but there's alot of rules you have to abide by and posting pictures is kinda...
The map looks great; good interlocking, geomerging etc... i haven't tested the gametype, but the entire map setup reminds me of fallout 3....
the map looks great. you did alot of good interlocking and the ojects are all well placed. it really sucks that the object limit is too small to...
cowboy pickle: thanks for the comment. The windows work like this; Put a box down on a flat surface. Slide a wedge small up to the box...
pinohkio: Thanks for the comment, and I do make more original maps, this was just the first I posted on Forge Hub. As for the random box, theres a...