because i thought you were overwhelmed
when is solo posting???????
sorry i dont know what i was thinking at the time,but i should of been more thankful for your service. sorry
i wonder when blood is going to admit that stockade is good
i see that blood is a douche we took out what camo did hes just jealous
hey the download link is wrong you need to change it to the one we have on the post.
oh yeah i didnt tell him to say it was a jeef custom map he did it by himself so dont be hatin me hate on him.
here is the utube it is ok and will do i told him the epic song
here is the utube it is ok and will do
hey watch your posts your gonna get infracted
hey i need the newest version so i could do spawns
yo i did weapons solo likes them so i think you would like it
why isnt it cod4?
have you seen stockade??????
wow new map out called zip-line and guess what
also i saw you did the bridge i wanna see it
hey look at the weapon list on this thread we should have something similar but with color link
i have a question, who would have the map author name, the one that says that they made the map, well if yo check a map it will say who the author...