yeah send fr. i can help with angled geos
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] theres some overviews. and mace you mustof not played oneflag. because guarenteed that if you play oneflag br start, 2v2 or 3v3...
hey hey hey hey hey change the link on the you tube vid to the one i have on the post
yeah the slayer and territories spawns went ok to bad but for some reason flags spawns are amazing.
Play one flag if you play at all
firstoff its a 3v3 2v2 preferrably 2v2 to avoid clutter. ffa i dont know how to do spawns and we didnt care to testit extensivly we just focused...
hey what gametype did you use
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] JEEF12364 TKS x MoNsTeR x Soloist [IMG] Stockade is an asymmetrical map using only half of the default foundry;...
get on because kronic is going to commit suicide hes so bored.( he needs you to help out with the bases
hey crane box is done and it is cool because you can drop down without having to use the stairs
looks good i guess
they were barely on but i dont care if you help so i vote yes
hey blood if you are doing the template again i was thinking of you using a map i started and probably wont finish if your interested it is on my...
here it is the cornerwalls
believe you can do it please solo I am the worst poster in the world i think you would be the best if neccessary wait to the weekend.
no no no. its is fine you can post it it doesnt need to be rushed what is your expected post time, i know you have finals this and next week