ooh big words, jk thanks but try to improve your comments to how it plays because this is in competitve maps not astheatics
you were right everything is interlocked, literlly, if you pay attention the walls are slightly interlocked into the double box
great map i enjoyed testing it the only fault is a bump near sniper i didnt to annoying though, good clock tower, and weapon placement
you like me under a box???????????/ fail fial fial fial fial?????????? your really creepy
i did invite you i think you were playing brute burnout, it is for rave and if you do play it i would highly reccomend flag or assault what ever...
what happens if you fall down?????? also what are weapons, what gametypes, you need to describe your map
people actually want to use it, you really wouldnt know how powerful it was until you used it in sulfur i also made it so there is only 1 on the...
heyyyyyy rate sulfur if you didnt already some one gave it 4, but i bumped it up to 5 plz help me secure it at 5 some also brought force down to 4
kk i under stand but people wont jugde you by rep, but by maps
its for rave and its basically an s with two tunnels leading to the middle also im noticing that there are more map downloads, then game...
Sulfur description: sulfur is a symmetrical map made especially for rave. sulfur is ment for six people and is recommended for my assault,...
if you dwld youd know there 3 ways, 2 in the back one in the front
whoa dude whats your prob you are tripping over some bad rep i was just spreading rep around for what i thought so drop it its forgehub and you...