thx u very much this is my very first map. it would look way better if i had more patience lol
thx for the help the pics should work now.
Map Title: Nirvana v2 Revised version of my old Nirvana Map Download Map Download Gametype Description: This is my first map I have done....
dude this map pwns everyone should download it.
depends on the mood really i moslty listen to all of them on shuffel through my xbox lol. but that is a hard question
no, they are super rare concerts mostley. like the roseland ballroom, and the one with the electric man who sold the world. but i plan on getting...
drain you is my fave, and your right they all are awesome, i have every album and 7 bootlegs lol
o ya, the guy from "The Mentors", do you have a faveorite nirvana song?
ummmm who was making kurts death funny???
he is taking a dookie ahahah
haha sweet, what do you think went down? I think it was either a drug deal gone bad, or Courtney hired a hit man because the evidence is so strong...
okay the links were there. they were in the words "this" and "Here" now they are just urls that i cant get to be links.
oops sry about that i should have read the rules. i can't put pictures up because i am no longer at my dads house which is were my Xbox is, but i...
---><---- This is a map I made. The link to the Game Variant is...