I played this last night it is uber pwnage
looks kool
wow thanks man i appreciate it
Pulp Fiction [IMG] Forged by: Rastapasta12 Supported Gametypes: Divine Intervention (Infection) ONLY PLAY with 4-12 PLAYERS!! Map...
ya man i lke all of them but my faves are nirvana, jimi hendrix, weezer, silversun pickups, and dinosaur jr.
really how do you do that?
what other bands do you like besides RHCP
ya the torches are pwnage
Thanks dude.
u dont need any honor rule for this map, have you even tried it?
That Is Freakin Awesome!!!!!!!!!
nice job dude i like
how do i fail?
Oblivion Arena Created by Rastapasta12 Supported Gametypes: Elder Scrolls Elder Ball Map Description: I based this map of the Arena in one...
its pretty kool, got alot of extras. do you have Tonight! Live! Sold Out!?
lol 1v1
ya man mos definately, did you get the Unplugged DVD last year?
lol, i like to listen to serve the servents when im in a goofy or weird mood. and platuea to kool me off when im angry lol
um ya, this is my FIRST MAP, the only thing that has to do with Nirvana is the name and game type. so you can buzz off, and BTW HE WAS CREMATED IDIOT!