[IMG] I present to you here at Forgehub the cultivation of a month's work on my map: Cypher. Cypher is the ultimate Invasion experience. Set on...
In all seriousness, what does that mean? to getting around the map? or getting around the tough forging? O.o
I playtested for a while because I thought the same. As it turns out, for the hornet to shoot you, it has to be fairly low to the ground. Because...
"This city boomed with life before the attack." Yeah, sounds kind of generic. But I assure you, the map itself is not. The concept for this... can i make this clear? I DID INTERLOCK! i just didn't GEOmerge! go watch forging 101 if you don't know what that is.
Okay, thread updated. Just to clarify,i DID merge objects, i just didn't geomerge. And the map is supportive of every gametype except VIP, because...
I am relatively new to forgehub, so be nice :D This map, compound, originated as an attempt to create a working vehicle map on foundry. Although...
nice everyone who sees this DL it its awesome
nice dl ing now
lolz epic win.
this screams MACHINIMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lololololololol dling NOW
coolio. dling now.
cool, cool. can u do more than one lap?
nice. dling now.
nice interlocking. good job.
Awesome! dling now
lol looks cool. DL ing now. and i like the black sig more.
i see. you know what? youre right. you are cleary superior to me because you have been here so long. i am obviously inferior because i cant make a...