nice lookin maze, oh and welcome to forgehub i give it a 4.5/5 cuz i didnt really like the ball part lol
the 'grav lift' kinda looks like water to me and the 'barrier' kinda looks like a tent but u could be right for both
very clever! i like how u made everything symmetrical!
u made the grifball court makin this didnt u? lol
wow looks like a pretty crazy (but fun) map but maybe a lil small. but i dun get y u call it speedball when theres flags instead of bombs or sumthin
i had an idea for a mini foundry b4 but idk if its the same idea u have now cuz theres NO PICS!
Welcome to Forgrhub! Your pic isnt working so plz embed ALL of your pics before posting your map :]
this looks really cool nd like killnon2 said, i like the idea of not using VIP 4/5
looks really nice, especially the mark V helmet but it kinda looks like he has HUGE eyes
thx but i only need to no wut im doin wrong but if i need to show u online i can do it in a few days cuz i need to fiz my xbox
uh oh lol i got this pic off of photobucket nd i thot it was funny
pmp i rly need help with a stupid switch, wen i tried to to the min max the powerup spawned, i took it, the other 1 spawned, nd when it spawned...
Looks like an awesome map from the pics but ill see after i play it 4/5
this look-a-like a very well good map if u no wut im sayin! nd i always thot ghost town was meant for a race map o nd awesome name XD
my cuzin got me 2 infractions wen he sent summin to u, srry bout tht
holy crap wuts after the uhh vangaurd thing i thought unsc spartan was the highest...
Omg Im Gonna Kill My Cuzin
wow this looks like a better version of i am legend i have ever seen nd theres soooooooo many notes nd pics! i give it a 5/5 for looks but it...
WOW! thism ship is sooo awesome! im saving to get the legendary maps but ill definetely DL this nd show my friends!!
these maps were out waaay b4 distortion so u obviously dunno wut ur talkin bout nd these maps make me dizzy :P