looks great but the only thing there might be a problem with is the bases... u cant just boot every1 if all of them plan to camp there but looks...
geez when r they gonna come out with haruhi seasn 2? :[
its sick tho
Looks great but is it a remake of lock down cuz it doesnt really look like it but its still GREAT!!
holy **** watch this vid i found on haruhi suzumiya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIjsPFYdkZY its soo epic
OMG tht looks SOOO sick nd tht turret looks rly thick! the only thing i had trouble with was knowing when to stop in theatre to take the pic...
i watched the whole season 1 of the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya nd i LOVED it lol nd my favorite characters r yuki nd haruhi
Evasion 07-28-2008 01:49 philthyphillup hablablabla! is the rep u sent me nd idk y
hhah i watched the haruhi show nd its soooo awesome nd wicked funny :]
took wicked long fr the pics to load fr me but looks like a great to play sum infection on (especially judgin by those awsum screenshots u took!)
hey i might not post a few things fr a while in case i do something wrong :[ i just dont wanna be warned anymore so im just gonna let the...
ok wow i didnt even see this map in community, do u ppl tht r mods nd stuff just automatically feature ur own maps wenever u can?
nice idea but it seems kinda short and there are alot of elevator maps out thr
i watchd the show nd its rly cool!
ur gay. y u give me bad rep for no reason
omg... thts y lol
yay! i had red fr a long time cuz since i joined, i kinda spamed cuz i didnt no it could get u an infraction nd stuff like tht lol, thx!!
no i was jw cuz wen i googled it a bunch of hentai came up 0.o
is it hentai?
same just boaredd