lol u have been getting better at the OLD forge but ur gettin better a month away from when the new forge will be released XD
ur the wraith freak, im the scorpion psycho ;D
haha for the avatar but is it real? :squirrel_eyebrow:
yeah love that song but how did u find the band? i found em while i was playin rock band
hey i saw that in ur sig u have coheed and i just hav to say... THEYRE MY FAVORITE BAND IN THE WHOLE WORLD! wuts ur fav song by them? mines either...
In my opinion, it sounds pretty cool and i like the idea of how its an infection gametype on avalanche. but you need at least 3 pictures to...
hey! great to see game over studios on forgehub! keep posting maps here and on youtube!
ill say tht im never gonna get tired of space ships so KEEP EM COMIN!
woah i remember this ship! i think it looks just like it, 5.5 for similarity
i had an idea for this 1 time but i screwed it up big time lol but i love the **** pit :] GREAT!
omg bioshock was one of my favoritest (if thats a word lol) games of ALL time nd i love how u didnt name it just "bioshock" i thinks its better...
hey u have the same name as me nd tht nico bellic machinima master card was soo funny XD
problems: 1. thumbnails 2. already posted under trAp 3. looks like an aesthetic map
lol i see his messages, funny =]
whs the hottie in tht pic??
i knew this map was gonna be featured! great job i give it a 10/5, i love the name and the whole design of it! especially how u interlocked the...
ahhhh this is a map i LOVE to see. i love the sniping symbol so much, i would turn on another one of my controllers and just spawn snipe no1 JUST...
whoa this looks better thn long way home i love the mongoose track thing but couldnt some1 just walk across? u should interlock some death teles...
grrrr... your post doesnt meet forgehub standards please visit how to post a map u need things like a description,pics, nd a link to the gametype...