I haven't messed with the classifieds, but I wholeheartedly agree that bungie.net is broken. I've made threads there that were bumped off the...
Yeah, you can smooth some of the hard lines as well as broad areas where gradients have been pixelated, but forget trying to keep any kind of...
Depends on how many hours/week commitment you're looking for. If it's like 2-3 hours a week, I'd be up for it. More than that and I'm afraid it...
Yes, unfortunately someone screwed up and we can't have "destructable" buildings. It's laughable, really. All the physics work fine in Editor...
You don't need to use your fileshare slot...just snap away, making sure you're connected to XBL, obviously. In your fileshare page on bungie.net,...
I will take a second look at my depth of field then. I wasn't intentionally trying to blur the spartan, but he looked a little too "cut-out", and...
*Is ignoring kitty-hitler's post* Looks great, I'll definitely keep an eye out for this on Xbox Live. I am, however, an ancient Armored Core fan...
That is a very nice pic. I may download it myself. What map is it? I can't tell offhand.
Hey guys...check the dates of the posts above you. That's why the pics are gone. I thought this was a new thread at first...please watch the necros.
Just as with Halo 3, I was thrilled to find that once again, I can download Hi-res screenshots to my PC and play with them. The image below is...
Yes, he's talking about the portable shield. If you turn it flat on it's side, and place it in a wall so the bottom just disappears, there's a...
The only thing I wish for is an objective playlist with no slayer variants. I go to BTB to get in some CTF or Territories...team slayer. I go to...
No effects were used. It was a blamite explosion at point-blank range.
Not quite. Needler explosion...cool coloring, I thought. The pistol looks weird, but it could also look like it was put there in...
First of all, this map is...for all intents and purposes, complete. I'm going to submit it to the Testers Guild and you to see how it is before I...
Okay, thank you much Scorch. That has helped a great deal.
I have a good generic map built, and I'm trying to set it up for as many gametypes as I think it will handle, being a somewhat small, symmetrical...
How do you put them in a fileset? Does that mean that when someone downloads the map, they automatically dload the gametype too? Or does it just...
New user here, and first map to get blasted away by all the other excellent stuff around it. Anywho...For the Covenant! is an Invasion only map,...
Oh wow, that is evil, lol. I love it though...can't believe I didn't think of that. I was using killzones profligately in my invasion map, but...