I'm making an infection series titles "Incision", and I've hit a snag in the journey gametype. Both humans and infected take multiple hits to...
[IMG] I can say with about 95% confidence that this map has at least one feature that you have not yet seen incorporated into a map. Peak your...
In Halo 3 I made a map called The Generators. However, since it was released so late, it hardly got any notice. So I remade it in Reach. But I've...
[IMG] Welcome to "The Noose of Rome". For those of you that have ever played Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, this will look pretty familiar. The...
So I've been playing Assassins Creed Brotherhood multiplayer for quite a while. It's a great change in pace. Anyway, I started building a map for...
Maybe I'm just being stupid, but my spawn cameras don't seem to be working correctly. I have them set up for infection, and in a specific order....
So in a map that I've built, I've created a system where the player sets off 3 landmines in order to make a fourth spawn to open a door. Sure,...
I was constructing an infection map in Halo 3 that varied gameplay by making a shotgun spawn only 1/3 of the time. Figuring this was a good idea,...
"Paradiso has got nothin' on this." This is a map that I made for my clan, hence the name. Anyway, before building I knew that I wanted some...
I've been working for quite a while on a remake of one of my Halo 3 maps. The map is "The Generators". How it works and the gameplay is...
So I was with my friend on XBL when he brought up an idea about a 16 person banshee war (which seems like it would be incredibly fun if built...
[IMG] The generators was, what I considered to be, my best map in Halo 3. For those that were unfamiliar with it, it is an infection map with an...
Dear God, a remake? Yes, voices in my head, a remake. But not just any remake. My remake - or in other words, a remake of my map. From Halo 3....
[IMG] I guess the spartan misunderstood the order "Fall back". File Share Link
Hey there, yet another map preview here. I'm still not planning on posting these, for the same reasons mentioned in the last one, as well as the...
This is a map that I made for my clan, hence the name. Anyway, before building I knew that I wanted some key features. I've built them...
So I have an amazing infection map fully built, first of what I hope to be a 5 part series. It's set up for Safe Havens, and it's a linear map....
The last map I released, The Generators, was a beta for a map that I planned to remake in Reach. But with some of the removals from forge, I find...
[IMG] The most anticipated game of the Summe- Nope, that's Halo: Reach. Let's try that again. The most anticipated sequel in all of history....
Yes, quite the original title, huh? I'm sure this title or some variant of it has been seen 75+ times in this forum. Anyway, my question is not...