So, a while back, my friend mentioned that he had a pretty good way of predicting the skill of a player before playing a game with them. He said...
[IMG] Welcome to Nightlife. This creation has been in construction since the day that Reach came out. Excessive testing has proceeded to insure...
So I posted a pretty vague preview for this before, but I spent four hours makin' this video so I figured I'd share it with you guys. Incision 2:...
I'm currently making a map of a scientific facility. However, I've run out of ideas for what types of rooms there should be. At the moment, I...
Incision 3: Ambivalence [IMG] I've been working on this infection campaign since the day Reach came out, and now, it's nearly complete. With...
Under any other circumstances, I'd give a back story behind this map. However, the final three maps in this series is where the plot thickens and...
Yesterday, I was working on a map (Map A) and saved what I had. When I felt like continuing the work on it this morning, none of the work from the...
Pretty simple question here: Any tips on making a banked u-turn? For more information, I'm remaking this map, and I'm looking to remake those...
Those who know me as a forger can easily comment on my preferred map style - Infection. Specifically, journey style infection maps that take after...
In one of my infection maps, I've designed a feature that I don't think any other infection map has. However, like any new feature, it's foreign...
This is the third map in my Incision series, which, for those who don't know, is a series of infection journey maps. What sets my maps apart from...
In an infection map I'm making, I have an alpha sender teleporter and an alpha receiver. When I last ended the game, I saved the map and I believe...
[IMG] A few survivors, stranded throughout the city, completely unaware of each others existence. Whether it be fate or coincidence, the pressure...
All I need to know is: Can you make a sprint a "flag" in invasion? I know that they can act as hills in other gametypes, but could it possibly be...
I can't really say much more, since last time I asked this I got an infraction. Basically, I just want to know if anyone has any tips for getting...
I've had a slight preview for this before, but it has gone through some distinct developmental transformations. Not only that, but I wasn't...
[IMG] Making Maps With our Undead Hands More and more often it seems as if infection maps are overlooked as the casual, appealing, and...
The Generators - UPDATED [IMG] A long awaited sequel to some. A completely foreign game to others. Whichever the case, I can assure you that...
So right now I'm working on a series of infection maps, yet so far, none use the same gametype. What makes them similar is that where one leaves...
YouTube - Incision: The Meeting As per usual, I can guarantee with almost 90% accuracy that this map will have at least one feature you...