make four stone colums in each corner of the first one, and slide the second on, but if the colums aren't straight, than it won't work... if you...
wow, thats cool, but you need some traps so if they mess up, bad things happen, like fall into teleporters that spawn them into the gaurdian...
what map would you make waterworks on, most of the nessecary materials are only on foundry and sandbox, but thats not excacly the place you'd want...
The pic are down, so use, but i must say that this looks like a cool map, and i love restraunt/ infection maps, just like...
It looks great for man2man fights, but as ghost717 said, even on the outskirts wouldn't it be a little crowded. you should use choppers, they can...
is thatour band name, cause you need an album title. i think 'rebellious break' is a cool name... i hope it isn't already copyrighted, it seems...
i only do guitar, but i'd say try and follow the rhythm and make sure your voice equals the guitar, with a good, clean sound
oh, then i like whales cause' his color kicks ass:happy:
i really do have to give you credit, it does sound cool, being able to choose, and its not just one of those ones where the best driver wins, it...
dude, they're all the same, dude, in the same freaking PIC!?!?!?!?
not to be cocky, but i know SWAT well, and tundra sucks! im beast at it and im still complaining!?! swat should be played on SWArbital (swat for...
what would be reeaaaaally cool was if you know how your character becomes all tister when they hit something or fall down hard after dying so they...
use a lowered smg or reloading dual-welt smg's making it look like halo 2
hes right, even maps that are supposed to look messy need to be clean. mere two walls together with slit in the middle to make it look nice...
i think you can only make doors fly at people when you walk into the c. powerup, not open... srry, but maybe if you angle the cannon man it'll...
idk man, it looks kinda plain and boring. although it sorta does feel dry, you got the feel down, its just missing some things, make more...
r u asking for a friend req.?
Wow, that's really cool! how'd you make it out of orbital? It'd probably get some good ratings, since very few people forge maps on assembly and...
I cant find the pic on Bungie, but i guess that x/5 isn't accurate enough so I'm giving it a good 7.5/ 10, but that truly is me, i really like the...
okay ill edit this post later, i have to work on runway and a few others...