Favorite Halo memory? Easy descision for me. Halo:CE, me and one of my friends played a snipers game on Boarding Action (the big, multi-tiered,...
I agree with Gravedigger on this one. There's too many "restrictions" put on these achievements. Some of them (ie. "Too Close to the Sun") you...
Why do they ignore the mysterious dissappearnace of the "mono" sound option? I have a crappy TV with only the white and yellow co-ax ports, so any...
I've only heard of Tremors and Tower of Power, but I'll try to explain them for those who didn't play them on H2. Tremors was played on...
You can change the gametype to KotH and set the hill where you want the players to be confined to, and then make the players lose points for every...
Forge, is like a big, unlimited tray of plain cookies, and you have an icing factory installed in your kitchen.
Looks very nice and clean. It get's my download. Thumbs up ;) ~Jakester1024
Very excited for this release. I've got to get to Wal-Mart to buy some MS points :P I too thought that foundry would be too small. I guess it was...
I don't think just a map+gametype upgrade is needed, but an option to upload several items under one download, like map makers that make seperate...
...I just had a very fun idea from your post Lance. Oh I'm so excited about this one. :) ~Jakester1024
Re: Snowball Fight (FFA Dodgeball) NEW Not entirely. Some people arc their 'nades and could end up way overthrowing. Changing grenade technique...
...Screens? Any actual description? You have yet to entice me into d/l'ing it. ~Jakester1024
The whole "minimum number of required objective items on a map" got very annoying for me the other day. I was making an assault map on Sandtrap,...
Uhh, hate to kill the moment, but when stuff like that happens and gravity pulls items to the ground, it doesn't move the spawn point of the...
I would love to see a mini-game pack. I haven't been able to try this one out yet (having problems with XBL), but I and everyone else I've played...
I kinda threw together a few shots from different angles in Photoshop for this one, but I'd say it still counts. [img] This one I found kinda...
Wow, looks very well put together. Can't wait to try it out. ...even if it is another Chiron remake. ~Jakester1024
Like the ones in this picture. [img]
Yeah, are all the objective gametypes set up Lockout style? I've never played much of Guardian, and was wondering if they were already set up like...
I found some of TDF's maps while looking through the Community File's forum on bnet, was very impressed with them, and found Forge Hub from there....