I use Opera, so I guess no toolbar for me :( ~Jakester1024
I vote for "set your own" limit. It could be set to, say, a certain percentage of your Hard Drive. That sucks if you bought an elite, and now...
Haha, looks like a mess to me, but could be fun if you like hyperactive explodey-s***. I agree with the "wait for foundry" group. ~Jakester1024
Re: Post your desktop! [IMG]
Nothing fancy here, 18" 480i TV (Mono Sound), and my 360.
My mistake. It still needs something done about it >:(
They record it (using either a capture card or something like that, I just use my VCR :P), transfer it onto their computer, and then edit it...
Re: Air Assault New Map/game Huh, I would think a map as big as ST would have more than 4. Oh well, ~Jakester1024
Hehe, I laughed :P
Re: Air Assault New Map/game About what you said in your first post about not being able to turn off the defending team's ability to use...
It's on marketplace today, under Video Marketplace > Game Videos > Halo 3
Re: JOUST on the Courtyard! How does it work? I can't tell much from the screens. Do they use swords or something? Cause that could be very...
Re: Hell House 2 *updated* Agreed and Agreed. Queued anyway, looks kinda fun.
Sweet, will download as soon as I can get my XBL back up. Hopefully that'll be before Tuesday >.> ~Jakester1024
Take a better screenshot or post a film clip. We can't tell ANYTHING from the pic you posted. I can't believe this is real from what you provided.
Portal was very great fun. It took me a few times to drop my companion cube in, though. I just couldn't do it :'( ~Jakester1024
Superjumping pissed me off :/ Which version of Hide And Seek? There were a bunch. ~Jakester1024
I saw a Google ad for a cookie selling company called "Cheryl's Cookies" on an independant music community site once. I lol'ed at it. I lol'ed at...
I used to as well. Me and a group of my friends all used to play it together. A few of us started to get bored after a long while and eventually...
Haha, YES. It's probably the most played game on XboxLive to date. Halo 3 will almost definately pass it eventually, but for now I would guess...