80Grit also made it into Squad Battle (1 flag)
Thanks man! Woo! I'm honored!
Eighty Grit? - Atlas Submission with trial changes* - Accepted into Bungie vs World Playlist! *Trial changes include: -Man Cannons interlocked...
Thanks Optic. There are quite a few weapons on this map, but not really all that much more than default Sandbox. Even with all the BR's people...
Yeah, Blue base too, BUt I really don't think it gives any adavantage, except an easier way to traverse the top of the bases. OV and Camo, are...
I'm definetly going to check this out. I too have a series of maps called Quadrant. They're on foundry though, made the first when foundry came out.
Oh yeah! Phil, I gotta tell you man... I had a blast on this map Sunday. I can't wait to play the updated version, send me an inv when you see me...
[IMG] Eighty Grit (by Tesai) - This abrasive enviroment has been known to hone the finest soldiers. 6-10 players. Supports all gametypes. CLICK...
Thanks guys! And yes it is a Scarab. The first time I played through Halo 3, i thinks to myself, "Isn't this an Epic battle!". So I went back...
[IMG] Safe Within - You may have seen this on Bungie Favs. Over 432,000 downloads!
Hey Wonder!
I just checked out your map Furious D, twas really friggin cool. Lookes like a perfect map for territories. The base priority seemed real...
Good luck with the next ma Mallet. I had fun checking out Gradient, really neat Idea, and I commend you for the time you must of put into it....
I really dig the fat wall Idea, lends itself to many possibilites. Nice looking map. The problem I have with it, (without play testing) is the...
Wasn't sure If I had already qued this one, so I'm queing it now. Neat Idea man.
Friggin' neat Idea man. Qued up
Qued up, will be back with post.
I'm a fan of the wall Idea, in fact I had started a wall map before Great wall came out, I was bummed when someone had already made it. That's...
Yeah sorry about the double post. I'm not one for bumping. But hey thanks for the advice! The gravlift is the most important aspect of this map,...