Thanks for all the compliments! Squidman33: When starting to build the map, I did start off with two things I wanted t include: Curved walls and...
Very aesthetic and pleasing, in my opinion. There is just one thing that I would change: It seems that the parts that are supposed to be flood...
Such Forbidden locations deep inside Halo could be revealed via the cartographer the Covenant have stumbled upon. 2-8 players Hey everyone!...
Hey I don't really have a general overview of the map. Maybe you should post more pictures of the map, because it seems all of the action just...
Okay, I do understand that idea was already out there, but you might've thought of it yourself. We can't assume you didn't just because there's...
Okay, this is pretty cool, but, unfortunately, the idea is sort of taken. The only difference is that there are no mongooses. Here's the link if...
No, no. I didn't think you were saying that' since you didn't say it. I was just saying how I felt after seeing those frigate pictures. I'm not a...
I did indeed find some pictures, and I have to say, you found quite many more pictures than me. I do realize that the "garage" of the ship is...
okay, awesome realistic story, and AMAZING map! I especially like how the middle has grass showing the reaction between the structures and nature....
Thanks! The two rooms on the side are sort of for viewing areas and control areas for parts of the ship. I do realize that there is lag, but I...
Thanks. I fixed the download link.
Okay, after about 2 months of endless tweaking and forging, I've finally finished the UNSC Magnitude V2! Sadly, I do not have any game types...
I'm not just saying this because I like the aesthetics of the map in general. Okay, I love maps that have a structure-nature theme. It does help...
Many space ships (including my own) can be small and very detailed, but what I like about this one is that you took a ship that almost no one has...
Hello. Welcome to Forge hub! The first thing you should know when posting a map probably is: 1. At least one picture OR a video 2. A description...
Okay I have to admit, the main picture that you used as the thumbnail picture at the aesthetic menu didn't amaze me, but now looking at...
I do think it's pretty cool, but one thing: Maybe you should've given the buildings a little more of a destroyed feeling. That one building that...
Your maps never cease to amaze me, Grim, ESPECIALLY this one! I think it's awesome how you included that Jorge's turret he carries can actually...
I don't know why, but most of the maps I see today I feel they remind me of many maps. Okay, like you said in the description, it does remind me...
This map reminds me of the maps The Pit and Isolation, but not really for the aesthetics. They don't match Isolation or The Pit, but they do look...