Okay this seems like an excellent idea in my opinion, but I feel there are two problems: 1. Are there soft kill boundaries in the spawning...
Thanks. I did take your advice like you said and HAVE added drop pods. They only seem to work in custom games as the over shield takes most if not...
No biggy. Thanks anyway.
Hey, Rifte. I'm hosting a UNSC Magnitude testing party sometime this weekend. I was wondering if you'd like to come and try it out. I have a...
Okay this is drop-dead-AMAZING! The colors with the design go perfect together, and the gameplay seems pretty well though out. It actually looks...
Okay, I like the concept you have going on with it being like a gigantic complex arena or battlefield, but it does seem kind of clunky and...
Okay, before anyone comments about how I didn't put kill boundaries on the map, I did it for a reason. If you were to jump up on the ledges above...
[IMG] Apollo-Flag was inspired by Grifball. Everyone has low gravity, no armor abilities, a golf club, and an energy sword. Eight ledges on the...
That doesn't mean he couldn't build it! Either you build a highly detailed ship which is small, a medium ship with medium aesthetics, or a large...