Looks excellent so far. If you have any budget left (or objects, Sandbox's object limit fails more often than it should...) you should make the...
Sorry for the delay, I finally got my internet working only to remember that my friend has my Wifi adapter, so it may not be until this weekend...
Wow, that looks amazing. Expect a DL from me when it's done.
Sounds good. I will be getting my internet turned back on at my house tomorrow (Monday), expect a friend request sometime during the afternoon...
Woah, woah, woah. Alpha site may be a little too big to remake, and maybe BTB, not 5v5, would work on it. Try if you want, though, that's what I...
Oh, trust me, I don't think any less of Hollows as a map, it's just that now I realize it didn't take as much work and effort as I thought...
Good work so far, steve. You may want to replace your pictures (or add some) with pictures taken without the filter on, so we can more easily see...
Extremely Halo CE-esque, I like it! :happy:
Excellent. It sort of reminds me of the structure from the beginning of Delta Halo from Halo 2's campaign (the external aesthetics, not...
Read my post again: no internetz at MY house, so I am at my FRIEND'S house, lol. Anyways, back on the subject of the ghost merging. Is that where...
Oh, I understand that completely Noxiw. It's the aesthetic maps overflow that I am waiting on, because a map stuffed with power weapons won't get...
Sorry and thanks. It seems to me that this is easier, but unskilled people can now make maps that people would have drooled over previously. I...
Apparently there is some new (or old, I don't know) merging technique out, dubbed "Ghost Merging," which I have seen referenced in numerous...