MW2 sucks balls against halo halo 3 rules i was looking in the world book of records Gammers edition and forum that in 2009 the ORIGINAL...
Well i will just say Xbox made it up 4 MEEEEEE LOL
OLN Items what are they ??
Insane please BAN him he is making you go here so that you enter in you're info then he hacks you're gamertag com on choonb its so easy to quess...
hey everyone look at my site free halo 3 video capture's for all LINK REMOVED
Number 1 there is not dl link number two no pictures
does any one now where i can download halo 3 medals and sounds all of them? :frustrated::confused:
Click here to get free halo 3 video clips captured free microsoft points Halo 3 Tournaments etc
My website captures you halo 3 video clips to your computer :omg:
play this map i will be uploading soon
theres no download link