Thanks for viewing, I wont get featured because no one knows who I am.. but I still like the feed back.
Thanks for the reply.
hah you put bad in kind of a weird spot there on your poll, i thought it was good.
oh now i see, can i delete the old posts?
Hey I'm not sure how this site works if i messed up please dont kick me out I really like this so far, I just have to get used to it.. What does...
i know, im just getting the ropes.
how do I fix it so i didnt double post, I want to put a dL link but i dont know how it never lets me do any thing. that post took for ever.
OLYMPIUM [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Click below to download. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details...
Well Public gotta say I love the map but,, The fact that we are partners now makes it that much better. I know that our next creation will shock...