actually it would be really easy to catch the driver because in order not to screw yourself on turns you have to slow down, also zombies could go...
ok i get called 3 names on LIVE Gamertag: XarabianNinjaX BarbarianNinja--???? i dont see it Zerabian--- again???...
sry dude i cant think of anyway to help because im grounded and cant try it out my self. but if i get on later (midnight maybe) i could possibly... still new... so help me out here...collab?
I would luv to help but at the moment im grounded. sry
that actually sounds really fun ima sucker for a SCARY infection map. im gonna have to try that out sometime
this happens to me all the time i hate it. to be sure that u dont lose wat u hav because there is not enough space, make sure u clean out ur...
i say try it, with enough help it could actually work. but i think it would be really hard to steer. but if u acomplish it send me a pic.
thankz will do
you bring up a good point about bordom, i guess i could remove a few shield doors so the hostage could shoot at his captors, i could also put a...
about 2 weeks ago, i started a forge frnzy phase where the only thing i wanted to do was forge maps. so about a week ago i had an idea i thought...
haha thanks
ya ive noticed that recently too. it kinda scks becuz i used to not use it a lot but now a ton of my ideas require it and it wont work for me....
how do u get shield doors to lay on their sides without them going upside down?