Im thinkin of a grifball map with gauss wartgos and rocketlaunchers and sentinal beams with stickies and 3000% damage resistance with 4x...
well, there are a few relitively new inventions that were made for your problem specifically. One of them is called a "pen" And the other "paper"...
Re: need suggestions on designing a game variant for "five hundred"/"jackpot/"sp Heres my thought. Make a map on foundry, with ( like you said)...
i wish there was an open area map like foundry but no ceilings and more space, the would be perfect, i would 800 microsoft points for that map alone.
i think a good race map is wat you make it to be. i.e. if you want to resemble an offroad map then don worry about neatness, make it bumpy. But if...
everytime i do the glitch where i put anything halfway through the floor and i quit and go back in, it always shows everything so i just start a...
actually i know for a fact that there will be new forge options for the new maps, take a look at this [IMG] Source:
well, sport maps are kind of easy to make, but its the game type thats difficult anyway, whoever can make both syncronize perfectly, bravo
ya but sometimes there cranky but a great payoff in the end
no problem man
ya, co-op forging isnt the best idea, but don't get me wrong 2 heads can be better than one. what i do i i get a friend and then we think of...
ya, spawn area are a great fix
well im just glad my friends arent smart enough to do that
The only thing i can really tell you is that there is no real way to solve your problem, practice makes perfect, the more you do it the more you...
Re: HOW TO: Hi-Def pics (noob-proof intructions) u r my god besides masterchief and buhdda of coarse
oh, but it was the weirdest thing, it was like it was reflecting damage. the only weopons on the map were snipers, and when someone shot it, it...
they would stay off until you start a new round also when the sheilds turn off so to the gaurdian guns
the only thing i can see possible is that MAYBE Bungie MIGHT make invisible walls but thats the only thing i could see that MIGHT make it
actually i found a movie ill post it if i find it, send me a friend request and ill show it to you, its on gaurdian, and if you press the back...
when i went to watch the video it said "video removed by user" so i cant really see it or no what you guys are talking about