Thats jut because he has the picture sizing all wrong
Re: Metal Jungle This should help, click here
haha i have the points waiting to. hold on ill add more choices
Hackmans HillV1 Created by XarabianNinjaX [br] Supported Gametypes: Custom KoTH: Hackmans Curse [br] Map Description Teams of two compete to get...
i dont feel infection maps should be balanced, i feel strong in the instant kill, but alpha gets pistol and nades
friday im ungrounded and its also the start of SPRING BREAK so im going to be on all day. Ive had recent inspiration on a race map, and because of...
haha, again i just couldnt resist
yes they would be awsome but for bungie to put that into the game would take o long that they might as well just wait for Halo4 to put them in....
ya, avalanche is going to be the first map that Bungie puts custom paintjobs on the vehicles
RUMOR has it that there will be a 3rd map pack "Mythic map pack". if Bungie does realize this map pack, what type of maps do you want them to...
GREATEST ONE PLAY GAME EVER!!!! I LOVED THE GAME...but then, i beat it and now it sucks. in fact it won worst ending of the year by Xbox Magazine....
haha im sry guys i just couldn't resist but atleast i was telling the truth about the snowcovered vehicles Legendary DLC The already-revealed...
What Legendary Map Pack map are you looking forward to forge on the most? BLACKOUT all the way for me
Re: Favorite map to forge on? well, your probably right but i know a few people who say foundry sucks. Of coarse, those people are obviosly...
OMG you are all WRONG. Dont you guys keep up with BUNGIE? BLACKOUT is the new LOCKOUT. FROM BUNGIE.NET Last week we revealed the second map from...
I know alot of people have there own map that they prefer to forge on. Whats yours? Mines either Foundry or Rats nest
Actually, truth be told, my dad works for Bungie they are working on quite a handful of ideas, especialy the concept of map barriers (invisible...
thats amazing dude congrats
a bigger hill shouldnt be that hard, it would just take alot of time, but a small hill would be pretty much IMPOSSIBLE