he cant. Thats basically the whol track.... :p
Its real. I took it from the corner and posted... And the gaetype is the one of our group. That is why I use it... Well, if someone doenst want...
The grav lift contols your speed so that the turn is easier when multiple people are racing... That is the point. Some newbs would try the track...
Map Title: SATURN 4 Banked Turns! Download Map Download Gametype Description: This track is a tournament styled track featuring multiple...
The moderator was gay, thats why... I was in xOwnagex's loop thread, and some person said "Texas thing a ma jiggy s better that this" Simply...
You can use C u l8ers RACETRACKS. 10,000 people already use it... Hundreds, maybe a thousand tracks have been tailored to it. I believe we should...
Thanks and I'm sorry to all the people who cannot find the link. I am editing the topic to make the link more visible...
Dont worry about him blade monkey. He is just hating. Great track. I'm making sme like this too. I'll show you next time you come on live...
"Chicks digg me" I would hope that you arent gay. Nothing special dude... Everyone has hoes, even you. And I dont care if this is getting...
Oooh wow, you have friends, I wouldnt have the slightest clue?!?(Sarcasm) Duh, everybody has friends. I'm not like you and spend 2 days making a...
:( :squirrel_sad: :( Arent we sensitive... He said refered to my map and he said the name wrong. I corrected him and said I made it. Dont get mad...
I'm not gonna lie you you but I think the undeground portion of construction is horrible. It permits no speed at all and there are few clues that...
You guys did a great job on the banked turns. Even though my friends don't like it, I still do though...
That would be texas Giant and I made it...
Thanks, personally, I like back from space better but tis one is just as great
Read, I clearly stated that it wouldnt have worked if I made it rounder. I think thats just pickyness, and what, so I cant reply to feedback on my...
Cool track dude, I like this and bungie 500 equally. 500's bottom part was annoying, but well made. Your bottom part is better but a little...
Have you ever tried it? Why does it matter if its blocky or not? If I wanted a less blocky loop I would have made it smaller, but then it wouldnt...
Re: Racetrack "Around The Sun" on Standoff Its a full blown circuit track. The reviewer is new to our group. When you spawn, you have an...
Map Title: Around The Sun http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16799176 This is version 2 of his track. Once you spawn, hop on one of...