Hey, does this have anything to do with 2 swords placed in an X on the wall? I saw a map with it and thought it looked cool. Anyway, is it...
Nice find, I might need to use this in the future.
I don't get what your first sentence means. Anyway, I'm not asking for mods, I'm asking if anyone knows a good combination to use to make a dark map.
Anyone know of a good combination of FX that will give a good dark map on avalanche? Normally on other DLC maps it's easy to do because there...
Ok, well, I have a question. But that's just cause I'm too lazy to check. Is a person able to pick up custom powerups if you disable his weapon...
Nice, I didn't know if infection was symmetric or asymmetric, and was too lazy to go check even for my new map. Thanks for posting this.
I can get into the spot fine. Just not able to place spawns inside. Read my post again I editted it.
You guys don't get it when I say crate don't you? Fine, I'll tweak my words a little. What I mean is BIG, CUBOID CONTAINERS that are used to...
How do I put spawn points in the fenced platform with the stairs in foundry? I've seen a map that did it and tried in vain to do it. Also I would...
I know, but I want the boxes to be open kinda like a hollow and sealed box that broke open. So I'll be making it with barriers and walls on...
How would a crate (Think single box) look like if it fell from the sky? I know it will be broken apart, but how would the pieces look? Scattered...
Or maybe let the switch be able to triggered by a fusion coil explosion then let the zombie splatter the fusion coil with the ghost?
You know, you guys are linking me to the same post. Which apparently does not explain what's the difference between using a respawn area and a...
I've read it like 5 times already. What I needed to do is differentiate between an area spawn, a home spawn and away spawn. Also, I needed to know...
Actually it doesn't help. I've read that guide before and it doesn't help me much. This is the first map I've made that uses more than respawn...
Maybe try using the fix stuff like colourblind to make the map dark?
Lol, the freezer hall looks cool. I found it while trying to make my cs map and tried in vain to make a staircase go up to the top. I would never...
I've just made a map using Cold Storage for CTF and Assault. I've placed respawn points, starting points and respawn areas, however, it seems...
I know but for the first save quit restart, they turned out fine, then for the next, and so on they weren't. No I'm not talking about objects im...
You guys might want to note that I AM the host as I'm forging solo on a single XBOX. So is this a glitch or what? Cause every time I want to float...