uhhm none of your pictures worked =/
Definintly DLing, looks epic
Just run, forgot to mention, zombies are invincible. Unless survivors are slowed down or anything im planning of keeping them so. lol
Behold my great return to ForgeHub!! Been a long time, but I like the new layout and such. ;] Anyway, just made a map that was originally going...
I worked hard for my recon, and I will show it off, till I switch back to my leet-tastic scout anyway, till then im not retakeing this lol
ok, heres the other one, its like it but without the effect and hes looking up lol [IMG]
i got one like that, VVVcheck it outVVV [IMG]
[IMG] UBER RICKROLL-AGE:lol::lol::lol:
thanks guys, I might post one other a bit later, its kinda like this one
Among the Stars...hmm, that could work, ty lol. anyway, i just used Joe is outside's cinema...
Cant think of a good name, rate & name it please:happy: [IMG] TY Joe for teh 1337 effect
we were thinking of a one flag gametype or one bomb, mabey even an infection. his first thought was a gametype in which one alpha zombie(the...
this is a map my freind on XBL made, so therefore its not mine, his GT is "NF Caveman". this is my second attempt in making this, when I was...
uhh...the barrels are round, so the light(or what you see) is bent away from your sparten, its hard to explain.
sweet pic but HOW!?!?!?!?(stuff in the lower left corner)
#1: get recon(lol) #2: reload a sniper rifle #3: go in slo-mo in theater as he's reloading
if yous talking about the yellow, im guessing a sentenial beam if not read ^^^his^^^
im guessing its old sence its on foundery but I was just screwing around on foundery trying to find a certain effect when i switched to KOTH, and...
is it that little blue circle on the ground with all "teh words"(never read it myself), its to the left of the balcony thing, its hard to explain...