in reply to the person that said it looks annoying well it not supposed to be annoying but it is supposed to be hard
thank you for once someone agrees with me that you don't need merging and interlocking. I will try do your improvements for v2
well about the camping it is not that easy to do as at any time an opponent could spawn behind you are a sitting duck easily at risk if that...
[IMG] my first attempted slayer map/CTF map. Well this map is as i said for slayer and ctf and it could even be used for assault but we have not...
Well thank you for your comments we are taking all of these in and attempting a v2 it will be out shortly hopefully
thank you for all of your comments without taking digs out of me. i will try and improve it for a v2
yes i agree with what you say it does look slightly sloppy but we did try our best imho and i have told him your replys and he says they r...
Well i belive a good thing always comes with a good pitch and i think you agree. So here is my good pitch for a fabulus race map. The race...
ok thank you for your opinion i will try to improve it
well the chances of killing during testing has been very very very low the only kills happened when they were intended during celebrations. what...
Gamertag: InherentFlame Times you can get on: Well i'm GMT time zone and on weekdays can only get on after 4 pm to 8pm but at weekends and hols...
yes i am english that is why it is called football crazy. And since you said it was so bad GC what could be possibly improved?
could please read the description it explains why there is a sniper. "There is a sniper in the centre of the pitch which is used fo getting the...
First and formost don't expect anything big from this map it is my very first map on forge and it took my 3 hours. Football crazy an amzing game...