I think we should decide when or not we want to submit Aihab to be featured by THFE. A video would give us good content for a post, + publicity.
Welcome new member! I'm Berb, and i'm a very kinky monkey.
. fllr
Doing your homework for you.
Hey, I'm middle class too! Wanna be bestest friends?
[IMG] amidoinitrite?
The Timesplitters series is a great example of what an arena shooter is and most of its maps are asymmetrical. Though what you say about asym...
Ermahgerd skerpe
So what did you think about Aihab?
The database will be updated tomorrow plus I got another awesome aihab test today.
If I didn't have such an awesome sig, I would sig this. The only one i'm using is the one to make you level up faster.
I should be in charge of infection instead.
I normally see an arena shooter as a game where everything gameplay-affecting happens on the map, in the game itself. In other words,...
Needed to be said: [IMG] There is always Quake, but if you're trying to go on the console, buy Timesplitters 2 or FP. The games are great, the...
Please stop talking.
That's one less shitty MM playlist.
Successfully placing 33 plasma nades on a map makes you a god, not a loser. I'm Berb and welcome.
mingo post muskets