Oh yeah, the rock arch (the most useful one) has been removed
One sec. Imma just place glass and fx and lights Btw Next Gen fx is terribad, purple is not in edit: 40+ window doubles inter-merged and...
I'm Not Edited by merge: There is no weapon pickup trait or ability to spawn with a primary or secondary weapon.
No. :(
Oh ya, you also can't zoom in while monitor R.I.P Aesthetic maps: 2008 - 2012
I've leveled up 2 and a half times. The fine nudge (click stick + very fine piece movements) is not in. It is a very sad day for forge
Except that. I actually don't mind it, but then again I have played any mm yet.
That when you merged a piece with a rock, it creates a different hue everytime.
Yep, you can remove all the additions. edit: Lighting isn't fixed at all
Ok, I'll be your man on the inside. You can edit fall damage in the custom settings as well as everything with ordinance drops.
The SAW isn't actually that powerful. Well, against elites anyway.
I'm playing the game right now.
---------- Honestly I'm glad to see that Aihab didn't win. It's overrated. No offense to Berb or Flamingo, but there's nothing special about the...
[IMG] Is it strange I'm more excited for this than H4? I mean, it's still early days and tons of bugs will be present... But if they pull it...
Pretty sure w/ blue you can actually do that, but only to your own threads. Yeah, in the 'Thread tools' drop box you can use 'close thread'
He's gonna get a shock when I hijack it. [IMG]
The one kid taking this into his own hands gave me a lol
Even though that Mazdak kid stuck his wiener into the custom's hole first, I'll probably make an alternative, more friendly and efficient list. If...
At long last...
Hi, I'm Berb.