just because they have recon in them doesn't make them good pics
hey whats a scope what did you mean by in the box? lol well anyway thanks for all the nice words people, and don't forget to go comment and rate...
thats pretty sweet!
epic win! lol
just made a new pic called red vs blue. tell me what you think and go comment/rate on bungie plz [IMG]
oh yeah my mad lol its avalanche
well i decided to make some effect guides so here they are... ok so to make a picture like this [IMG] where your guy looks all shaky you have one...
i decided to make some effect guides so... here they are! lol well first you'll want to know what the fire and ice rooms are well there the 2...
hey everyone i just added a 4th pic so go look at it :)
Green Knight is awesome! lol he looks crazy with those green eyes
thats awesome! you get a cookie my good sir! lol
lol oh well it doesn't matter now, i was just trying to get a cool effect with that pose but none turned out to well, so i made some new ones that...
ok so i just made some new screen shots and only have a few free spaces on my fileshare and couldn't decide which ones i liked best, so i wanted...
well its good you guys like them! and i made them with a lot of shield doors in that black room behind the base on avalanche. i don't remember...
Penguins awesome pics! just made three new screen shots and wanted to know what everyone thinks of them. here they are... and a newer one(lol is...
This is a new picture i just made and felt like sharing it with you guys, so tell me what you think please. [IMG] If you want to go comment it on...
I'll enter just cuz I'm bored lol well heres mine its called shock wave Proof its mine [IMG]
The Penguin Go comment on Bungie plz! [IMG] please tell me what you think!
nope didn't edit at all, just used effects in halo. oh and i did it on avalanche and had an invis guy swing a hammer, paused it and looked through...
This is my newest picture Shock Wave! Link to pic in my fileshare [IMG] well please comment, rate and download on bungie and tell me what you think!