If you want to point out I am spamming my own map, then fine, but dont send me a personal message cussing at me, thats uncalled for. EDIT!! I...
Alot more fun then it sounds
Working on another map. Please help me name
Theres alot of ways to get up there
If I could make a crosseyed smiley face I would. I understand it, but implementing it when i am making a map is a whole different story. How long...
Not big on MLG maps, but i really like the set up in this one. Cant wait for you to post the other version with more weapons.
Not really a house, but a base. Thanks though.
Sorry bout the bridges.
I would love to download it but your link needs to go directly to your bungie.net download page, not where its going now. I am telling you this...
That is exactly what I need, found one for about $20. Thank you.
Instead of making one big honeycomb, make multiple honeycombs, for CTF, Assault, and territories. That way you have more space in between to add...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1196 Please click here and post your map correctly. Welcome to forgehub, and I cant tell anyhting...
I am curious to how some people make videos. what connections from your 360 do you use? How do you get it on your computer?
1. Mississippi Queen 2. Janies Got a Gun 3. Mary Jane 4. Herriet Tubman 5. Little Red Riding Hood 6. Mary Poppins ( Not a song title though )...
Nice map. Looks a little sloppy. Spend the extra couple of hours making the map a little neater. Other then that I like the map.
It took me about 7 to 8 hours, then a n hour ortwo of testing. Thanx for thecomment, you should try my other race map as well.
He just meant for the pics, then put juicy back on.I wouldn't be able to see an elephant inthse pics. :)
I like these Map packs, it gives more people chances to get their maps featured. While these maps are fun, they are only fub fora litle while. The...