I personally found out about it from bungie.net
I see what you're saying and i guess the point i'm trying to get across is that Bungie should create a most popular list of custom games rather...
My friends has a sandtrap map they converted into a prison it can be used to play cops and robbers but i personally hate that game because it's...
I don't mean to offend anyone but I personally don't understand why this game grifball is so popular. The game itself probably took about 30 mins...
Re: The Hurricane (plz look) This would be cool if there was a hill or territories you need to capture. That way it could be a race of who could...
Looks pretty good, I made something similar to this, It's a 1v1 ball race where i made two identical mazes and the first one to push the ball...
Re: Fiery Deathball Looks pretty interesting I'll give it a shot. One questions though, what method do you use for placing shield doors sideways?...
Hey, I just signed up the other week. I am really digging this entire atmosphere, top map creators get their maps post on the site... much better...
I downloaded and played around with the XNA creator and it's actually not to hard if you know any object oriented programming language, such as...
Yeah I though the fact they were coming at you one by one was a little odd almost as if it was planned...
I don't think we need a repeat of this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6alOnuN-wCY
Hey was wonder if anyone else has a chance to check this game out. I downloaded it a few days ago and it's quite possibly the most astounding...
They have a talking car? looks like nbc aren't the only people trying to milk night rider for all it's worth.
Epic, where did you get that music?
Way to use the most generic music possible... that was terrible.
Personally my xbox has only crapped out on me once but it wasn't the RROD it was a failing DVD drive. And I have the 360 since launch. I guess I...
I just watched an amazing movie called Persepolis, it's an animated french film about the life of a communist supporter growing up in 1980's Iran....
Level 45 in TS, 44 Doubles, and 40 lone wolf. But, I rarely play ranked anymore.
I don't really see this affecting the movie whatsoever. If you have seen the previews he is basically unrecognizable and as long as the movie is...