Wow nice work this must have taken forever to make.
Nice images, I use Illustrator almost every day for work. As a AS3 developer it basically works hand in hand with flash and flex builder...
Reminds me of... [img] Might be a little old for some of you though.
you can still do the double punch with the crouch combo though.
Re: What Weapon do YOU use the most? I would have to say the BR even though I hate it. If I could pick any guy to use all this time I would go...
I wish they had weapon placement points on them for the old school playlists...
I personally doubt that they are working on a Starcraft MMO with the starcraft fps in the garbage bin and the next RTS installment on the way...
The game itself looks alright, but when it comes down to it i would rather be on the front lines of the battle rather than some overhead commander...
Well of course you wouldn't need to upgrade for those reasons, and also blu ray will never become the standard DVD format. If anything it will...
the key word is almost, if you buy a ton of hd-dvd movies now you will get them at a discount but you are required to upgrade to blueray at some...
Like the rest of you I enjoy engineering different designs, not only in forge but other aspects of my life as well.
you can probably get just away with changing damage output but i think you would have to play with it, it also depends on what situations these...
I'm currently working on a remake of prisoner from halo one, I plan on posting it relatively soon. Update: Here it is:...
This is interesting but I don't really see any useful applications, some one needs to figure out how tag images now. That could be very useful and...
I would have said this was official after Toshiba the designer and main supporter of this technology pulled the plug. none the less this situation...
Despite the extremely lame game title, I am really looking forward to this game. Has anyone seen these videos? 100% destructible environments in a...
to each their own I suppose, I guess my years of playing football in h2 have aged this type of game in my eyes.
I figure I will give this a shot. 1. Customs - 2/24 - Midnight PST, 9 EST 2. Mainly playing Foundry made maps and game types. Testing my level...
I think that's the name of the song from the movie i just did a quick credit's scan.
This reminds me of when i worked with CAD and 3D Studio max. Who would have guessed such a simple object could take so much design work.