This is an interesting idea but it would be better with an objective. One of my crazier ideas was to create a bowling game on snowbound in the...
I tried this out for the first time last night, one of the best maps I've downloaded off here.
Re: Fiery Deathball I downloaded this the other day and attempted to play it but i can't seem to figure it out exactly... does this involve an...
This looks like a really fun game but it's extremely hard to score the bomb when you have a lot of people who can actually aim.
Re: Millennium Falcon This a really interesting looking map but it would be nice if you build up outside of the ship and little and make it into...
Looks really interesting, I just added it to my que.
I tried this out the other day, very nice attention to detail.
Well said. Also I need some helps currently coming up with a name for my newest map I was working on it's basically a slayer game involving a...
I really hope they throw in something gruesome to one up the chainsaw banenet. Keeping with the landscaping theme how about a stun gernade...
You can use it with XP but only with MC edition. Which basically no one has unless they have pirated or purchased a copy of it offline. And in...
Like all the other battlefield games, the maps are going to be huge sandboxes. You can fly planes and helicopters, drive vechiles and pretty much...
where is the none of the above option?
The boxes are large enough for 8 people to spawn into each, arranged in a 4 by 2. It works the best with 1-8 people. I haven't really tried it...
speaking of an orange, this was on digg the other day. I thought it was quite hilarious... [img]
"this is why we shouldn't use wind power" because this specific turbine has faulty brakes that needed to be serviced? You're right, let's go back...
if you're having problems with the client i recommend trillian, it allows aim, msn, icq, yahoo, etc.
I think i prefer this version...
Yeah, i realized that shortly after i posted it. is there a mod that will move this please?
...and where are your ideas?
sound good but I'm not quite sure why you would give the power drainer to someone with the sword and a plasma grenade. If their main weapon...